Michael Nickerson-Rossi, of Nickerson-Rossi Dance, will be presenting "Enkindled" at Celebrate Dance 2013. Mr. Nickerson-Rossi, the choreographer of "Enkindled", graciously agreed to answer some questions about the upcoming show. Robert Abrams: How would you describe your Celebrate Dance 2013 show? Michael Nickerson-Rossi: With "Enkindled", Nickerson-Rossi Dance authenticates an intrinsically voracious desire to arouse and inspire art enthusiasts through the medium of dance. RA: Have you collaborated with anyone to create your Celebrate Dance presentation? MNR: No, all work set is choreographed myself. RA: What is "new" or "fresh" about the art you are presenting at Celebrate Dance? MNR: "NEW" artists that I have been wanting to work with for some time are hired specifically for this show! In terms of "fresh" my dynamics are a bit different with this work in particular… I have found myself experiencing different emotions that are revealing themselves through the working process-VERY interesting indeed! RA: How does your art build on what came before? MNR: ALWAYS life experiences-it is innately ingrained in my aesthetics. RA: How will your presentation inspire the audience? MNR: Well, the title "Enkindled" was chosen because I AM inspired just watching it (hence, the statement earlier, "found myself experiencing different emotions.") RA: Who or what inspires you? MNR: "When we have a clear mind and clarity of vision, we can be definite in what we do and say…" This is a quote I had written when I first began to study dance intensively, and now I have the opportunity to speak this to a community of dance enthusiasts throughout Los Angeles in Celebrate Dance on March 9, 2013. I can not express enough how important and self sustaining this art form is for one who has endured many hardships in life (losing my parents at 17)- but now, such hardships will be displayed for an audience in layers of beautiful dancing and emotional contributions for many to be moved by… Please join me and witness these lovely stories I have created in movement for the world to find, enjoy, inspire, motivate, cause change and react. RA: What makes your dance company a top-notch dance company? MNR: I hand select artists that I want to work with because of the work being so intimate yet very technical and dynamic! RA: Does your art have an activist message? MNR: YES! emotional growth, perspective and change. RA: Do you work with schools or children? MNR: I teach in the Colleges and youth programs as well. RA: How would you describe your educational work? It is called Nickerson-Rossi Dance outreach program, uNdeRstanD (NRD). Dance is a language. The uNdeRstanD Program gives adults of all ages a forum through which to "explain" painful memories using the body, rather than words, to explore a range of emotion based on their personal experiences. This is done weekly through the media of movement, dance, and dialogue at various facilities throughout Los Angeles County in small groups with Michael Nickerson-Rossi. The goal of the program is to explore through movement the issues that weigh down the attendees' spirit, so they may eventually become creative people with the self-confidence to turn adversity into a stepping-stone for success. Living from your heart creates honesty, a pure perception of what you instruct your body to give. Emotional and Physical elements surface, giving the dance life. As a whole, your body then participates. If you dive in heart first-this is where you will be seen as authentic. I believe that Nickerson-Rossi Dance stands on the belief that the uNdeRstanD Program uncovers the understanding of self: your environment, your emotional intelligence as well as distant and close memories—and emphatically refusing to accept failure. When faced with emotional ache, failure, disappointments from self and others—boldly face them with an understanding that you are now going to heal and fix yourself through prioritizing and developing yourself as a creator of your own life with immeasurable amounts of emotional strength. In order to feel alive and powerful, be tenacious in your approach to understand that we have meaning artistically whether it be for yourself to explore or share it with others. Become authentic and join me in discovering the treasures of the deep. Upon finding such emotional depth, we also become morally noble in our attempts to mentor others to persevere and find a healthy presence. RA: What else would you like people who are thinking about purchasing a ticket to Celebrate Dance to know about your art? MNR: That my work is in the most way very relatable on many levels. It will surely cause a physiological change when being viewed, I know this for certain.
 Nickerson-Rossi Dance Photo © & courtesy of Joe Lambie |
 Nickerson-Rossi Dance Photo © & courtesy of Joe Lambie |
 Nickerson-Rossi Dance Photo © & courtesy of Joe Lambie |
 Nickerson-Rossi Dance Photo © & courtesy of Joe Lambie |
 Michael Nickerson-Rossi Photo © & courtesy of Joe Lambie |