About the Author:
 Jadite Galleries Opening Reception - Art Opening, Dancers as Art RepresentativesPhotos and Comments by Dr. Roberta E. Zlokower January 21, 2003 Jadite Galleries 413 West 50th Street NY, NY 1019 212.315.2740 Roland Sainz, Director Hours: Mon. - Sat. 12 - 6 PM jaditeart@aol.com www.jadite.com Next Opening—Thursday, February 13, 6 - 8 PM, OTHER Jadite Galleries, 662 10th Avenue, Btw. 46th and 47th Streets, NY, NY 10036, 212.977.6190. This was my second Opening at Jadite, and I enjoy these events more and more each time. There are dancers, who are involved in promoting this art (See December 12, 2002, Jadite Opening), and the exhibitions are always extremely fascinating. In addition, I have received lovely personal notes, on hand-painted stationary, from Sheila Cappelletti (Dec. 12, 2002 Opening) and Holly Adams (This Opening). Mr. Roland Sainz, Gallery Owner, serves wine and hors d'oeuvres at each Opening, and the guests are always enthusiastic and interesting. Holly Adams Paintings hollyada@hotmail.com Holly Adams says, "I feel I can integrate my paintings with my spirituality. I am a registered nurse, and I feel my paintings, along with other art mediums, can have a profound effect on healing. Some say the mind and body work together, and I've come to believe that, along with the power of beauty that can help heal the soul, along with healing your physical being. Art is a healer and a comfort."  Adams Art
 Holly Adams with her Art
 Adams Art
 Gallery Guest
Jacqueline Maggi "Objects of Desire" Sculptures and Drawings jacmaggi@hotmail.com Jacqueline Maggi, from Cuba, paints and sculpts with a feminist and earthy sense of emotions, a love of nature, and a social conscience. Her "Torso", all sewn up, back and front, tells about the needs of a woman to reconstruct herself, to regain wholeness. The wooden sculptures of children's shoes, on tiles, tells of the capacity of peace, as children make a circle in the midst of dissention. The torso on a pedestal, with marble weights on top, tells of the amusement and the abuse by men, who put women on a pedestal and then heap onto them dead weight. The apron tells of an article used by women around the waist. The rolling pin shows flies around it, on wire. The wall installation shows the woman's chair, her knitting, her painting, and her cooking. The painted bucket has a bit of lace, to show beauty in the simplest of objects. The woman's and man's shoes, carved from wood, symbolize togetherness.  Maggi Art
 Maggi Art
 Maggi Art
 Maggi Art
 Maggi Art
 Maggi Art
 Maggi Art
 Jacqueline Maggi
 Maggi Art
 Maggi Art
 Roland Sainz, Director of Jadite Galleries
Meryl Matthews "Color Abstractions" songurrl@yahoo.com  Matthews Art
 Meryl Matthews and Her Art