About the Author:
 Virginia Kelly's Sculpture Show "Art Work"August 7th, Gagliardi Gallery, 27 West 20th Street, Suite 400, 212.229.1816. Victor Gagliardi is a professional photographer and well-known in Tango circles in NY. Virginia's new Tango partner, Platon Toushynsky can be seen among the guests. Victor Gagliardi's photos are sensational and well-worth a visit to his Gallery, even when there is not a Milonga. Virginia's sculpture is by turns earthy and ethereal. The sculptures reflect a refined sensibility one can also see in her Tango. Several examples of Virginia's sculpture can be seen below, interspersed with the pictures of Tangueros admiring her work. Don't forget that you can click on the photos to see a larger version. Also, we try our best to accurately identify the people in the photos, but if we make a mistake, please send a letter to the editor and let us know so we can update the page.
Pictures by Roberta E. Zlokower  George, Robert, and Pamela
 Virginia's sculpture TANTRA (LIMESTONE)
 Chris Vasquez
 Dimitrije Medenica
 Virginia's sculpture FAMILY (CEDAR)
 Virginia's sculpture A FUEGO LENTO (RED WOOD)
 Pamela Saichann
 Pulpo, Pamela, and friend
 Jak Karako
 Party Time
 Virginia's sculpture INTRO (MAHOGANY)
 Beautiful women
 Sondra and Thomas
 Victor's photo
 Before Tango
 Victor's photos
 Good conversation
 George and Jenny
 Sondra and Jimmy
 Platon Toushynsky
 Robert and Jenny
 Victoria and Victor
 A tropical corner
 Virginia and Platon
 Virginia and Platon
 Virginia's sculpture TORSO (ALABASTER)
 Virginia's sculpture PACHA MAMA (CLAY)
 Virginia's sculpture YING YAN (BLACK WALNUT)
 Jennifer and Joe
 Another view INTRO (MAHOGANY)
 Stefan and partner
 A partygoer
 The Milonga
 Las Chicas
 Jennifer and Stuart
 Viviana and Thomas
 Viviana and Thomas
 Juan Pablo and Diane
 Juan Pablo and Diane
 Virginia and Stefan
 The Hustle
 Victor dances
 The Milonga