Three friends embark on a joyous journey of sisterhood, discovering their inner 'duende' through a flamenco class for middle-aged women. In this hilarious and moving new comedy/drama, Rochelle, a Jewish woman struggling with a crisis of faith, is convinced to join a flamenco class for out of shape women. Her life is changed forever when she meets Daloris and an unforgettable circle of women who propel Rochelle on a hilarious and deeply moving course of unexpected self-discovery. " Heart Song is funny but also allows me to explore serious issues about faith, spirituality and mortality that are deeply personal to me," says playwright Stephen Sachs (Bakersfield Mist, Cyrano). "The play dramatizes how art, in the form of flamenco — like religion or spiritual faith — has the power to heal and transform." "Flamenco is a life-saver for these women," explains award-winning director Shirley Jo Finney. "It's about duende, finding the deeper soul, unearthing that deep inner voice that lives inside us and can heal our inner wounds." Heart Song opens on Saturday, May 25, with performances Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays @ 8 pm and Sundays @ 2 pm through July 14. Preview performances take place May 18-24 on the same schedule. Tickets are $34 (reserved seating), except previews which are $15. On Thursdays and Fridays only, seniors over 65 and students with ID are $25. The Fountain Theatre is located at 5060 Fountain Avenue (at Normandie) in Los Angeles. Secure, on-site parking is available for $5. The Fountain Theatre is air-conditioned and wheelchair accessible. For reservations and information, call 323-663-1525 or go to www.FountainTheatre.com.