"Trying to convey Melnick's brilliance is like trying to grasp a silver trout in a running stream. She is indeed a force of nature, but not the earth-mother type those words convey." The Village Voice
"By now the line on Mr. Neumann is well established: He is the smart joker of dance. What's not said as often is how deeply felt and deeply moving his work can be." The New York Times
Two of today's smartest dancemakers are brought together in this exclusive engagement. Bessie Award-winner Jodi Melnick's Fanfare is a sophisticated dance of rhythm and gesture, set against a kaleidoscope of light and sculpture designed by visual artist Burt Barr. David Neumann and his company advanced beginner group perform works with signature wry humor and "startling creativity" (The Village Voice), including Hit the Deck and tough, the tough. The evening culminates in a world premiere duet commissioned by Jacob's Pillow and performed by Melnick and Neumann, two truly original artists.
Wednesday, August 10 — Saturday, August 13, 8:15pm Saturday, August 13 & Sunday, August 14, 2:15pm
Tickets $23.50-37.50; tickets on sale now. Order online or call the Box Office at 413.243.0745.
$19 Under 35 Fridays; call the Box Office for availability (sponsored, in part, by Blue Q).