Robert Abrams: What is your role in the show? Eleanor Goudie-Averill: I am the dance curator, I am the liaison between the Philadelphia Center for the Book and the participating dance companies. The companies were chosen because of their skills in collaboration and artistic merit. RA: Please describe the performance you will present at PIFA. EGA: Bodies of Text is a series of collaborative dance performances and art exhibitions tied to the book and its interdisciplinary interpretations. Choreographers of Rain Ross Dance and IdiosynCrazy Productions interpret books by Philadelphia Center for the Book artists Lesley Mitchell, Monica Kane, and Mimi Shaprio. Bodies of Text is rooted in the idea of Art à la Rue and brings Art to the Street in Philadelphia's Rive Gauche, West Philadelphia. RA: Have you collaborated with anyone to create your PIFA presentation? EGA: YES, everyone involved is a collaborator! Also, Rain Ross has collaborated with composer Dan Roeder on the original musical score. RA: What has this collaboration allowed you to achieve that would not have been possible without it? EGA: The chance to be inspired by original and new pieces of art! To purchase a ticket to this show, go to www.pifa.org/events/980193157. To purchase tickets to all PIFA dance events, go to www.pifa.org/events?bucket_id=1. For more information about Stone Depot Dance Lab, go to www.stonedepotdancelab.wordpress.com. To follow PIFA on Twitter, go to www.twitter.com/PIFAPhilly. To "Like" PIFA on FaceBook, go to www.facebook.com/PIFA.Philly.
 Photo © & courtesy of Unknown |