Sacrifice800 South Van Ness Ave. #10 San Francisco, CA 94110 415-641-0990
DJs on Tuesday-Saturday Hip-hop, dance, soul, and 70's (Metal on Wednesdays) $10 cover
Reviewed by Rachel Levin June 19, 2001
Contrary to its name, no sacrifices are necessary as far as good drink and music are concerned at this bar/club at the edge of San Francisco's Mission District. While the crowd ranges from financial district corporate types and dot-commers to teachers and waiters, the only offering required for a solid, laid-back night of hip-hop is the $10 cover. After passing underneath the distinctive sign (black lettering over fiery red and orange flames evokes primal immolation), patrons can enjoy two tiki-themed bars and two pool tables. The lights are dim and the vibe is funky. In the center of it all, the small dance floor is the closest youíll come to pagan ritual at Sacrifice; dancers from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds move, sing, and throw their hands up to the mighty D.J. on the platform above. The music is a mix of the latest hip-hop jams and a good amount of old-school hip-hop. Get ready to shake off the work week and get in touch with your "primitive" self!