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September Concert at Bar BatPhotos by Dr. Roberta E. Zlokower September 11, 2003 On September 11, 2003 Haruko Smith, President of September Concert Foundation ( www.SeptemberConcert.org), facilitated an entire day's event to honor the memory of September 11, 2003. There were musical events throughout NYC. I attended the evening's event at Bar Bat, West 57th Street, organized and hosted by Andrew Potenza, Special Event Producer. There were singers of the Folk and Popular Music genres, who entertained the warm crowd. This was a lovely event. Kudos to Haruko Smith. Rosalinde Jane Block (See Felissimo August 20, 2003 Event) Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower
Rosalinde Jane Block Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower
David Goldman Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower
Mark Millen, Guest (See Mark Millen Photo Gallery) Photo courtesy of Roberta E. Zlokower