Darrah Carr Dance and TAPFUSION are starting from the same place, they're just wearing different shoes. It's a place of experimentation with backgrounds in Irish step dance and tap respectiviely, and with the accepted conventions governing those forms. They're both drven by a desire to stretch the boundatries of percussive styles by blending them with modern dance techniques. In doing so, they ask: Why not move our arms? What happens when we drop down to the floor? How can we reconcile two very different techniques within our own bodies, while we are also presenting them equally within a greater body of work? These questions guide them as they explore two different styles, percussive and barefoot, and feel two pulls, one toward tradition and another toward innovation. Throughout, they seek to create dance in the space between by searching for places of intersection and overlap. And so tonight, in a theater next to one of NewYork City's busiest intersections, they add yet another crosswalk: two companies, each blending two genres of dance, both striving toward a new destination.
 A Percussive Modern Mix Photo © & courtesy of Richard Termine |
 A Percussive Modern Mix Photo © & courtesy of Richard Termine |
 A Percussive Modern Mix Photo © & courtesy of Richard Termine |
 Darrah Carr Dance & Barry Blumenfeld's Tap Fusion Photo © & courtesy of Richard Termine |
 Darrah Carr Dance & Barry Blumenfeld's Tap Fusion Photo © & courtesy of Richard Termine |