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Patricia Dates O'Brien
Ask Trish
United States
Atlanta, GA

Ask Trish - July 2003 - Before and After

by Patricia Dates O'Brien
July 1, 2003
Atlanta, GA

Ask Trish - July 2003

Before and After

Hi fellow dance-a-holics! This month I am forgoing the usual Q & A format, as I attended the Atlanta Open Dancesport Competition last month, and was able to interview a few dancers, both Professional and Amateur. The topic was the dancer's image — -"Before" — -day-to-day, real life…..and "After" — — the transformation that happens to a ballroom dancer before they step out onto the floor!

I asked each dancer two questions:

1. What do you think is the biggest part of your "transformation" as you prepare to compete?

2. What part of your transformation do you find the most difficult?

Let's take a look at what they had to say:

Dancer #1:

Marina Krivovyaz
Amateur competitor, Superstars Dance Studio
Atlanta, GA (instructors, Bagrat Polunin and Lisa Norman)


"I think my eyes are the biggest part of my transformation — I like to change the shape of my eyes using lashes, eyeshadow conturing, eyeliner, and mascara. The hardest part is tanning — I don't like it!!! I like to look tan, but it's a pain!"

Dancer #2:

Virginia Bradley
Amateur Competitor, Dance Atlanta
Atlanta, GA (instructor, George Morales.)


"The hair has got to be the biggest image-changer for me — -slick it back, hairspray, blow-dry, put it in a bun, add glitter, dry the glitter….the hardest part, however, is my makeup! It takes a long time and a steady hand. I usually play my favorite music while I'm doing my makeup to keep from getting nervous."

Dancer #3:

Anna Harwood
Professional Dancer, American Ballroom Center
Nashville, TN

Anna - Before

"The Pro-Tan is my big image-changer — it makes me look Latin! And the eye makeup — it has the power to make you look really different — exotic, pretty or however you want to appear that night. The most difficult part for me is finding the perfect costume….and the hair — it takes forever to do my hair!!"

Patricia Dates O'Brien is a Dancesport competitor and makeup know-it-all. She does makeup and hair styles for dancers at most major dance competitions, and can give makeup and hair consultations by appointment. To make an appointment, ask a question, or for more information, email Trish at TrishDatesOBrien@aol.com.

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