Balla Tounkara, master kora musicianWith Yacouba Sissoko (kora, Fula Flute) and Balla Kouyate (Balafon, Mamadou Diabiate) A night of jeli kora and balafon music from Mali, West Africa At the Cornelia Street Café 29 Cornelia Street (between Bleeker and West 4th) A,C,E,F,V West 4th Subway Stop Reservations: (212) 989-9319 Review by Natalie Laruccia May 16, 2003 The authentic sounds of the New York Acoustic African Music Series were rich and lively and created a warm atmosphere in the Cornelia Street Cafe. Many people thorougly enjoyed the exotic rhythms of Balla Tounkara as every one swayed in unison to this band made up of three New Yorkers and one musician from Boston, all originally from Mali. For more information on the organizers, please view their website at www.wheresthe1.com. 